(705) 728-9090 x46320 | 201 Georgian Drive. Barrie, ON L4M 6M2

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  • Best Practices for Managing Perceptual Impairments Post-Stroke

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  • Review of Artificial Intelligence in the Diagnosis and Management of Stroke Patients Across the Province (Provincial Stroke Rounds)

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  • Chedoke McMaster Stroke Assessment (CMSA)

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See Full Calendar

The Central East Stroke Network (CESN) Education Fund supports professional development opportunities that incorporate stroke best practice. Clinicians working in stroke care within CESN can be funded up to a maximum of $500 per fiscal year to support registration costs for stroke-related workshops, courses, conferences or projects which align with best practice. Travel and accommodation expenses are not eligible. Education applications will continue to be accepted until the allocated funds are used for the current fiscal year.

Stroke Rehabilitation Intensity Learning Module & Quiz

To support the provision and collection of Stroke Rehabilitation Intensity, a Rehabilitation Intensity Learning Module & Quiz was developed in 2017 by the Ontario Regional Stroke Networks’ Rehabilitation Coordinator Group for inpatient rehabilitation programs that report to the National Rehabilitation Reporting System. This resource was later adapted to an eLearning module in 2020 by the University Health Network for local and provincial use.


The Rehabilitation Intensity quiz is located at the end of the module. Since your program may have established structures for education completion and quiz tracking, connect with your manager prior to starting the quiz.

To access this resource, please click the following link:

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E-learning course focusing on screening and prescribing aerobic exercise post stroke.

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Therapeutic Bed Positioning of the Stroke Patient

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Introduction to Supported Conversation (SCA™) eModule (Aphasia Institute) 

A free, short, online course for Health Care Professionals


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Champlain Stroke Network E-modules

Open to all healthcare providers. You must create an account to proceed.

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West GTA Stroke Network Virtual Classroom

E-learning modules available to clinicians. You must register to proceed.

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Looking for local community resources? Please visit the links below for more information:

Central East Line
Central Health Line
NSM Health Line