(705) 728-9090 x46320 | 201 Georgian Drive. Barrie, ON L4M 6M2

Central East Stroke Network
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The post-stroke fatigue (PSF) toolkit contains resources to inform healthcare providers about PSF – what it is, the importance of screening and management strategies. It also contains education resources that are appropriate to share with patients, family members and caregivers. 

Healthcare Provider Resources


Dr. Christine Yang, Physiatrist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Ottawa

Trish Rodgers, OT on the Integrated Stroke Unit at St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital


Dr. Jacqueline Foley

Screening for Post-Stroke Fatigue (developed by CESN)

Multilingual versions of the Fatigue Assessment Scale (Source: World Association for Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders)

Post-Stroke Fatigue Toolkit: Implementation Resource (developed by CESN)

For additional information about any of the topics contained within, please contact your regional Stroke Network.

CESN has developed a learning module on post-stroke fatigue that reviews what it is, the signs, how to screen and management strategies.

To access the module please sign up for the CESN LMS at https://cesnstroke.ca/learning-management-system-signup/ OR if you already have an account, you can enroll in the module. 

Patient & Family Education Resources

Looking for local community resources? Please visit the links below for more information:

Central East Line
Central Health Line
NSM Health Line