Developing Support & Reach in the UE Post-Stroke: A NDT Approach
WORKSHOP IS FULL. To be placed on the waitlist please contact Dorothy Burridge at
This one-day workshop will present NDT principles related to coordinated movements of the trunk and upper extremity for active support and for developing reach. We will explore the research related to the recovery of the upper extremity post-stroke and brain injury and how we incorporate this research into clinical practice. The workshop will provide an opportunity for analysis of the role of the upper extremity in function and the assessment of movement dysfunction in the upper extremity. Various treatment strategies will be explored to facilitate active support and progress an upper extremity for reach.
Target Audience: OT, PT, Rehab Assistants
Instructor: Karen Guha
Location: Peterborough Regional Health Centre, Room # W2685.1
1 Hospital Drive, Peterborough, ON K9J 7C6
Workshop Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will:
- Understand the principles of NDTA™ Contemporary Practice Model to the treatment of adults with neurological impairments and particularly as applied to management of the upper extremity in an individual post stroke or brain injury.
- Identify major impairments that interfere with developing upper extremity function in an individual post stroke or brain injury.
- Demonstrate basic handling skills to improve shoulder mobility, reduce pain and facilitate scapula control in coordination with trunk and upper extremity movements.