(705) 728-9090 x46320 | 201 Georgian Drive. Barrie, ON L4M 6M2

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Virtual Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA™)

Learn How to Build 'Communication Ramps' for your patients/clients with aphasia!

This program is designed for all health care and community service providers who interact with people who have Aphasia (or other communication disorders such as hearing loss or motor speech difficulties), who “know more than they can say”. This program will provide you with the tools and resources you need to "build communication ramps".


The session is open to all health care providers who work with stroke patients from across continuum and throughout the Central East Stroke region and neighbouring areas.

To Register Contact:  Dorothy Burridge, Regional Education Coordinator at burridged@rvh.on.ca

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Looking for local community resources? Please visit the links below for more information:

Central East Line
Central Health Line
NSM Health Line