(705) 728-9090 x46320 | 201 Georgian Drive. Barrie, ON L4M 6M2

Central East Stroke Network
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Systems of Care for Acute Stroke in Ontario

Provincial Stroke Rounds Topic:  Systems of Care for Acute Stroke in Ontario Presenters:  Dr. Amy Yu, MDCM MSc FRCPC Date:  Wednesday, November 6th 2024 Time:  0800-0900 hrs. EST Host Site:  North & East GTA Stroke Network Virtual Event:  no pre-registration required just click on the link below at the designated time of the event  Join

Developing Support & Reach in the UE Post-Stroke: A NDT Approach

This one-day workshop will present NDT principles related to coordinated movements of the trunk and upper extremity for active support and for developing reach.  We will explore the research related to the recovery of the upper extremity post-stroke and brain injury and how we incorporate this research into clinical practice. The workshop will provide an

Stroke Team Workshop

Join your stroke team colleagues for a 1-day best practice workshop on stroke. The day will be a mix of presentations and application of skills. Some of the topics will include: Stroke 101 Post-Stroke Complications Canadian Neurological Scale (CNS) Dysphagia, Feeding & Oral Care Safe Handling Techniques ADLs & Stroke Deficits Communication Stroke Rehab &

Provincial Stroke Rounds: Making Stroke Education Fit For Purpose: Priorities and Approaches for Educating Healthcare Professionals

Provincial Stroke Rounds Topic:  Making Stroke Education Fit For Purpose: Priorities and Approaches for Educating Healthcare Professionals Presenter:  Kristina Moro Date:  Wednesday October 2, 2024 Time: 0800-0900 hrs. EST Host Site: Northwestern Ontario Regional Stroke Network Virtual Event: https://thunderbayhospitals.webex.com/thunderbayhospitals/j.php?MTID=mdc84955080e6351ccc4ecf9843344e00 Meeting number:  2346 766 7785 Meeting password:  V2ruMf5vWg8

Introduction to NPT/Leukotape K-taping, Level One: Neurological Population

This 1-day virtual course teaches the fundamental principles of neuroproprioceptive / kinesiology taping. Relevant anatomy, physiology and taping will be reviewed. Participants will practice the necessary application and cutting techniques for: pain management, muscle influence and specific neurological conditions. Target Audience: PT, OT and Rehabilitation Assistants working with stroke patients in CESN Instructors: Monica Graham,

Delivering Practical Cognitive Rehabilitation: How and Why Project-Based Therapy Works!

October 26, 2024 9:00 – 4:00 p.m. Objectives of the workshop include learning: What project-based intervention is and why it’s so good for people after a stroke How projects can be an excellent way to tap into the brain’s neuroplasticity potential to benefit stroke recovery How to construct, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a

A Scalability Assessment of the Transitional Care Stroke Intervention in Community Stroke Rehabilitation

Presenters:  Dr. Melissa Northwood, RN, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, McMaster University Tracey Chambers, RN, BScN, MSc, Research Coordinator, School of Nursing, McMaster University  Date:  Wednesday, September 11, 2024 Time: 0800-0900 hrs. EDT Host: Central South Regional Stroke Network Virtual Event: No pre-registration required just click on the link below at the designated time

Stroke Nursing Workshop

Join your nursing colleagues for a one-day workshop on stroke nursing. The day will be a mix of presentations and application of skills using Simulation Scenarios. Date:  September 16th, 2024 Location: Lakeridge Health Oshawa Some of the topics will include: – Neuro 101 – Hyperacute management of stroke – Post-stroke Complications – Canadian Neurological Scale

Looking for local community resources? Please visit the links below for more information:

Central East Line
Central Health Line
NSM Health Line